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White Heron Estate

The Whittern (etymology: old Herefordshire dialect for ‘White Heron’ is Wit ‘ern) in North Herefordshire consists of 700 acres of arable, woodland and pasture. It is now home to a recently added vineyard in addition to traditional Herefordshire crops like cider apples, blackcurrants, and wheat.

White Heron Drinks
The home of British Cassis, Framboise & Sparkling Wine

With over 140 years experience we know what it takes to grow the finest blackcurrants and raspberries. They are blended here on our farm so that we capture the full intensity of their juices and flavours. It’s what makes White Heron fruit liqueurs so distinctive.

Family Heritage
This has been home to our family for nearly 150 years

Home to the Green family since 1863, when the great, great grandfather of current custodian Jo Hilditch (nee Green) came to Herefordshire from Yorkshire to farm, The Whittern has known tough times alongside benevolent ones.

Behind the Fields 
How we farm

Food farming is in White Heron’s DNA, and we strive to do that in as environmentally responsible a way as possible, whilst remaining pragmatic about the necessity of scale to meet the nation’s growing food requirements.  The large areas of insect and bird-friendly wild planting for biodiversity and sustainability always surprise and impress our visitors.
